NOTE: These tools require Java to be installed to use them. If the tools do not display correctly download the lastest Java update from HERE or make sure Java script is not disabled in your browser. Check here for help with enabling Java in popular browsers. Firefox pre-version 23-HERE Firefox <23-HERE Internet Explorer-HERE Other Browsers-HERE

To Use the tools click the cell to the right of the heading for what you would like to convert. Enter the number in the box and hit enter. The conversions will automatically calculate for you. If you change any other cell besides the cells next to each heading refresh the page and the equations will reset themselves. If you run into any other problems or just have a question about how to use the tools please do not hesitate to call us at 406-768-5905.

Thank you for your interest in our services.


Credit for tools given to the DNRC of Glasgow, MT
DNRC of Glasgow